
Like you, I receive many thoughtful gifts. Some have a message that's notable. Years ago, a friend, Sunila, visited New Zealand. She arrived at a small farm known for the perfume they distill from plants that grow on their land. The fragrant oils are made with care and with love. It’s easy to imagine her enjoying the process of sniffing and selecting the essence of Rose Geranium she brought home for me. Department stores have aisles of perfume products arrayed in elegant, crystal atomizers. My gift arrived in a small, glass bottle with a paper label. It is perfect!

Each day, as I apply the fragrant oil, I close my eyes and pause to enjoy its essence. Sometimes, when we use a fragrance regularly, we become associated with the scent. One chilly day, I offered my scarf to warm my granddaughter. As she wrapped herself in it, she smiled and said, “Mmmm, this smells like you.”  A few days later, I was dismayed to notice that only a drop or two were left in my treasured glass vial. The simple, pink label did its job! It provided the information to email Flairoma in New Zealand with a request to replenish my supply. Yesterday it arrived.

Once again I'm surprised and delighted. The wonderful people at Flairoma understand how to keep things minimalist, green, and functional. The essence of Rose Geranium still smells fabulous, and using the pipette they supply, I can refill the original bottle. Why does everything about this thoughtful gift please and satisfy me?

Like so much of life, it’s the essence that matters, not the packaging.